Msg.exe /TIME:30 * Keine Installation nötig, alle Komponenten vorhanden und auf aktuellstem Stand. Bitte die IT unter 039205 450 161 oder kontaktieren. Msg.exe /TIME:60 * Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Msg.exe /TIME:30 * Die Installation wurde erfolgreich beendet. \Installers\Adobe Acrobat Reader DC\AcroRdrDCUpd1501620041.msp" /qb Check if already installed DC Main Application All the updates that I had previously done worked without any issues until the 11.0.03 /TIME:60 * Die Installation von Adobe Acrobat Reader DC und Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Spelling Dictionaries wird gestartet, bitte schalten sie den PC/Laptop nicht aus.Ģ. I have also tried starting from the Reader 11.0.MSI file and building from there. Download Adobe Reader - Acrobat Reader is the global standard for viewing, printing. I have also tried using Adobe's Multilingual User Interface version just in case I had grabbed the wrong version somewhere along the way but that didn't work either. MSP again and from multiple download links even though I think they all just pull from Adobe's FTP server. I copied the install folder for Reader 11.0.01 which is a quarterly update and ran the command again assuming it would work. I got the error message saying "The upgrade patch cannot be installed." and realized right away that I tried to patch a security update with a quarterly update so it just wasn't going to work.
MSP file, copying the old install folder, and running the following command to update it.
I saw that Adobe has released the next patch for Reader XI and tried to go through my usual method of downloading the. I am using a GPO to manage Adobe Reader installs for all the workstations here and it has been working out great for a year or two.